What if, today we were grateful for everything?

A time for Thanksgiving Sometimes we try to put things off. Folding the laundry, unloading the dishes, cleaning the countertops, the mundane tasks of life. If we stop to think of those things for a minute we can realize that they are blessings too. Those annoying chores or must do’s on our checklists are actually peaceful things that carry with …

grateful quote branded graphic

A Time for Thanksgiving

Sometimes we try to put things off. Folding the laundry, unloading the dishes, cleaning the countertops, the mundane tasks of life. If we stop to think of those things for a minute we can realize that they are blessings too. Those annoying chores or must do’s on our checklists are actually peaceful things that carry with them a sense of …

Ateve Martin as dentist

Happy Halloween!

🎃 HALLOWEEN is here! A tempting holiday for kids and adults alike. Enjoying candy, sweets and chocolate are part of the trick or treat tradition, but your #teeth don’t have to suffer for it. A#sweettooth will guide you to the candy isle. Some planning ahead will avoid poor choices though. Here are some #dental tips: Avoid sticky treats The length …

i'm your dentist gif

Happy Halloween!

🎃 HALLOWEEN is here! A tempting holiday for kids and adults alike. Enjoying candy, sweets and chocolate are part of the trick or treat tradition, but your #teeth don’t have to suffer for it. A#sweettooth will guide you to the candy isle. Some planning ahead will avoid poor choices though. Here are some #dental tips: Avoid sticky treats The length …

“Good Communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.” -Anne Morrow Lindbergh

woman laughs while holding cup and saucer

National Coffee Day People line up for coffee. Java gets people excited. Purveyors of these cups of hot or iced concoctions will be busy today. This drink of choice for many can be a bit addictive. As if you need another reason to sip this tasty treat, National Coffee Day is here. Although you can’t simply walk into your favorite …